
Mp3s for Euphoria



  Hypnosis for Euphoria

Be Happy Enjoy Life

90% of how you feel most of the time is caused by our mind and this can easily be changed. Certain brain chemicals called dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins usually produce nice euphoric effects, and can be released with physical and mental triggers. If we are confronted with a rabied mad wolf, then automatically our brain starts to release chemicals such as adrenaline so that we can run faster, and become more alert, and all these changes can happen even if the wolf is not real.

Sometimes just by changing the way we think can have dramatic effects on our neuro-chemicals. If you suddenly realize that you've won a lottery then you'll probably become quite happy and euphoric even though nothing physical has happened. Just by thinking about eating a juicy lemon and our mouth starts to produce saliva. Most of these changes occur because our subconscious mind is dominant and controlling, but now using this self-hypnosis program you'll be able to change those inner messages to become happy and pleasurable.

The first part of this session will be the hypnotic induction where you'll reach a very pleasant relaxing state, ready for accepting the new positive affirmations that'll make the changes that you need to become euphoric and happy.

