

  Sexual Orientation

Hypnotherapy for positive change


Price 19.99 €

music mp3 samples




 Changing Orientation

Before you proceed I must inform you that this program is not for everyone, and will no be very helpful to long term homosexuals. These audios have been designed for young men who are confused about their sexuality, and for men who have been experimenting with same-sex activities but may also be curious about engaging in sex with women. There is nothing bad or shameful about being gay, but sometimes certain countries are behind the times and will need more time. Some cultures and religions are particularly hurtful towards gay men. You should never be forced or obligated to use any type of therapy and must use these programs at your own free will. Never let any peer, elder, tutor, parent or religious leader try to persuade you to change your orientation.
The brain is quite flexible, and in these modern times with the use of brain scans we can now observe amazing changes. eg. the brain of a taxi driver is very different to an office worker, and this is because the brain is constantly changing. Our brain can develop certain traits depending on our enviroment and many other factors.
There is a tribe called Ngandu where homosexuality doesn't exist, not now or even in the past, and that's not because it's ilegal or punishable, it's simply because it never existed.


What happens to many men who end up prison for a few years? quite a large majority of men engage in homosexual activities, and then when getting released form prison they become "straight" again. Some become crossdressers, others, transsexuals, or heterosexual, or gay because the brain is flexible. We are free to choose.

The audios are very flexible and can be mixed, swapped and compiled so that you only listen to what is important for you. There are 10 different trance inductions because we are all different and we have different tastes. You are free to listen to any induction in any order for an entire week, or change the theme every day, because it's totally flexible.

The affirmations can be used one at a time or place two or three audios together and finish off with the "wake up" audio.